A few weeks ago I went to a large roping down south. I met a friend there who was complaining about not getting to throw his rope. He said that he had just been in a roping where he had had three high team callbacks and all three of his headers missed. I understood his situation. I had recently been in a draw pot four times and rode down the arena four times without throwing a loop. Paid my fees and went home. These are tough situations for a heeler.
I headed a lot before I started heeling and I began to think of how many times I had done the same thing to my heelers. The header is the quarterback in a run and always has the opportunity to throw his rope. I also know, that for me there was a lot more pressure on the head side of the run. They have to read the barrier, throw a good loop, set that steer, and give a decent handle to make a good run.
My answer wasn’t much consolation for my friend’s current frustration. Then I remembered seeing a gentleman who used to rope, sitting in a wheelchair. I drew my friend’s attention to the man in the chair as he intently watched the roping. We were some distance away and I said “See that man over there in the wheelchair? I bet he would give anything for the opportunity to ride down the arena and not be able to throw his rope.” My friend nodded his head in agreement….. His perspective completely changed.
Like the man in the wheelchair changed my friend’s perspective on roping, I wonder if you would be willing to change your perspective on life if you could see what God has done. He offered His son up to die in order that He might have a relationship with each one of us individually. John 3:16 says ”For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not die, but have everlasting life.” His sacrifice on our behalf should change our perspective on life and how we choose to live it.
Thank you for your comments and prayer requests. kipley3385@sbcglobal.net
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