Oct. 23, 2012
Hello Friends,
I apologize for the lapse in time between my blogs. It seems like life is just flying by, but it sure is a fun ride. A lot has happened in the last couple months, with the close of the 2012 PRCA Regular Season and everything else on that front.
As I am writing this up on my laptop, I am riding shotgun on the way to Lancaster, CA for the 2012 California Circuit Finals Rodeo. It starts tonight, with the second round being tomorrow night, and round three Sunday afternoon. Every contestant gets to compete in all three rounds. There are only 12 qualifiers in each event, with lots of money added this year, so it is a great opportunity. I am sure tickled to get the chance to compete against the best in the circuit, with some fellow competitors having been to the Wrangler National Finals Rodeo before. It was a goal of mine this year to make the Circuit Finals. I am tie-down roping there this year. I dang sure wish I was getting to back in the heading box too, but I learned a lot this year coming up short in that event. After this weekend, it will be time to evaluate where I’m at and step into the new season with a freshly prepared outlook. I am awfully excited to be going to the Circuit Finals with Jordan Ketscher. We travel together quite a bit, and always have a good time. I’m looking forward to a golf game with Jordan, Kyle Lockett, and Anthony Estep this weekend too. Getting to be around all these guys that I call friends is awesome. Looking back on my first year going to the circuit rodeos, I wouldn’t change a bit. Of course you always want to win more, but I learned an awful lot. I’m sure the barbeque pit will find us all sitting around it this weekend too. I’m looking forward to seeing friends like Cameron Elston, Marcus Battaglia, Blaine Linaweaver, and of course Michelle Linaweaver too. I’ll be sure to blog relatively soon after this weekend regarding the Circuit Finals.
The past two weekends I have been at college rodeos in Quincy and Susanville, CA. Those are some pretty serious drives from San Luis Obispo. It was a lot of fun though. We have a break until February now. With a lot of my good friends graduating or moving on, like Jordan and Jeffrey Larson, I am lucky to have a great group of young guys coming in. We have fun traveling and competing. Guys like Dexter Udall and T.J. Jewell (Both from Arizona), Joe Seifert, Martin Paris, Daniel Rice, Brett Champlain, and my new team roping partner Lane Lowry make it fun no matter what we’re doing. It’s fun to have Chant DeForest back out here from Oklahoma in our region too. With Tony Branquinho not coaching this year I sure missed him at those rodeos, but talked to him quite a bit. He’s always just a phone call away for me. I appreciate that so much. It was also nice to see Ms. Lynn and Murphy Hirshy in Susanville from Montana to watch Brooke Hirshy, who competes for our women’s team at Cal Poly.
Next weekend I am up at the Cow Palace in San Francisco. That rodeo has a lot of history, so I am looking forward to it.
I would like to congratulate my cousin, Joe Frost, on being the most winning cowboy on a PRCA permit in a single year this year, in the history of the sport. He is a real cowboy. Whether he’s riding bulls (his signature event), steer wrestling, or roping calves that guy can win. He is planning on going down the road to make the WNFR next year in the bull riding, and there is no doubt in my mind he will get it done.
Also, congrats to my California brother, Zayne Dishion on his big wins lately back in Texas. He and Jade Corkill won Bellville, TX the other day. Zayne just bought his card, so that check should be what he needed to get qualified for rodeos like San Antonio and Houston based on this year’s world standings. It is awesome to watch your friends reach their goals, and keep setting more to chase.
A couple weeks ago was one of the most memorable wins for me, when I won the Oakdale 10 Steer Roping with my brother, Taylor. That was such a special moment for me because of the time we have put into it since we were little kids roping the fast lane dummy in the house. Heck, we still do that. To win it for the second time- this time heeling- was neat, but to win it with my little brother is something indescribable.
So it is still early, and I am sure I will do some more thinking on this and make some revisions, but I am going to ask Jordan his picks to win the world titles this year and document his answers on this blog for fun. Here’s his thoughts, from the driver’s seat:
Bareback Riding: Kaycee Field. Duh. I wouldn’t want to enter anywhere that guy was entered.
Steer Wrestling: Luke Branquinho. He’s a hard guy to bet against.
Team Roping: This is a tough one. I think Kaleb and Jade are going to do good. I don’t know. I just don’t know. Chad Masters and Clay O’Brien Cooper are going to do good. Probably Trevor Brazile and Patrick Smith too. I wouldn’t count out the other 12 teams either.
Saddle-Bronc Riding: Got to go with Jesse Wright. He’s the "wRIGHT choice."
Tie-Down Roping: Cody Ohl. No explanation needed…
Barrel Racing: Brittany Pozzi. She’s missed some of the season and still comes in with a good lead.
Bull Riding: I’d like to see a rookie win it, so Trey Benton III hopefully.
Well, there you have it. Jordan Ketscher’s World Champion Predictions for the 2012 Wrangler National Finals Rodeo. Feel free to Facebook him, if you have a problem with them. I would say he did a pretty solid job though.
Well, I hope you have enjoyed this blog. Hope you all are enjoying life. Don’t ever quit trying to get better at everything you do. You never know when the greatest day of your life could be. Talk to you all soon.
This is my journey, and your experience.
Lane Santos-Karney
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