The sound of the barrier is something we can have nightmares about. Unique to the rodeo sport is the barrier. It can be devastating to a run and your pocketbook. I understand that we need to give the cattle a head start, to make it even for everyone, but reading the barrier is essential to a good run. It requires great timing and patience from the roper together with a horse that will score well.
At this year’s BFI, I watched as team after team dropped out of the average. Running at the round would make a great run, but the barrier would get them. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve thought that my timing was perfect only to hear that annoying buzzer. Even more devastating is to do it on a high team run with big money on the line. At most ropings the 10-second penalty will put you out of placing at all and certainly out of winning.
Trevor Brazile and Patrick Smith made it look easy with six clean runs, no barriers and no legs, just clean runs that looked the same every time. I know that they are not just lucky. Trevor has studied the start for years and it has paid off. To have broken one barrier this year would have kept them from winning.
In life there are barriers also. The Bible calls the barrier that will keep us from winning in life, sin. The sin barrier can show up in shame, guilt and anger, lack of hope or internal pain. The sin barrier is something we all have. Rom 3:23 says “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” To deny our sin is just like running through the barrier at a roping thinking it’s not there! We have all seen that too. The good news is that John 8:38 says “God’s son Jesus sets you free, you will be free indeed.”
Unlike the unforgiving broken barrier and the negative results of it, God’s desire is to forgive you of all your sin – past, present and future. Study and know the sin barrier. Breaking this barrier has devastating and eternal consequences. “Let Him set you free to be all He has created you to be.” Put together a group of clean runs in and out of the arena without letting the barrier get you. Rope great. You are a winner!!
Thanks for your comments and prayer requests. Contact Kip at
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