I recently received a phone call from a friend of mine who I’d not heard from in a while. He called to see if I was still actively roping. I told him I had slowed down a little, but was still trying to rope a couple times a week if time allowed. A former bull rider, he said that he thought he needed to start roping again. He had ridden bulls for about 12 years and had retired about three years ago. His talent had taken him to the PBR for a few years and he had made a living without too many injuries.
His new career, he told me, was a good one with the Cal Fire Dept. He was doing well climbing the corporate ladder and was enjoying the benefits of a steady paycheck, health care, and less risk of injury. But something was missing: the competition, the anticipation of a great ride, the challenge of man against a beast. Visualize a bull throwing all of its 2,000 pounds of muscle against your 160-pound body. The adrenalin rush, courage and determination.
It was then I realized why he wanted to rope and why a lot of ex rodeo roughstock riders, team rope. It’s the competition! It’s the next roping, the next steer and the next clean run that will take you to the pay window. The sense of purpose we receive while anticipating winning the next go round. We practice hard to hone our skills as well as those of our equine partners, in order to rope great and feel a real sense of being alive for a moment.
You see, we are a collection of conscious experiences. We are far more than just bodies or just appetites and desires. We are our experiences. That’s why we seek and treasure the good ones so much – a beautiful sunset, a first kiss, a gentle waterfall, a favorite line in a movie (i.e., a quote from Gus in Lonesome Dove) a dramatic comeback victory in a ball game, or catching four steers in a row to just close the door on the rest of the competition.
It’s in these moments we experience life. There is a spiritual realm where we can experience life as well. Jesus said, “I have come that you might have life and have life more abundantly.” Isn’t that what you are really looking for? Really living LIFE? He will give it freely to those who ask. Don’t just live to rope! Those moments fade. Live EVERLASTING life! It’s found in relationship with Him. Rope great!
Thanks for your comments and prayer requests: kipley3385@sbcglobal.net
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